Thursday, April 14, 2011

What we can do!!!

Many of us become frustrated with all of the problems that we have, rather than finding positive solutions.  I know that in the past I have been guilty of this.  Lately, I have found myself (not by accident) surrounded by individuals focusing on solutions rather than problems.  What this has done for me, is inspired me in ways I could not imagine.  I realized that all of this focus into the problems has been disempowering me.  Changing my perspective to focusing on solutions has done the opposite.  It has allowed for me to feel empowered and realize that there are solutions to the fundamental issues that surround us and it is easier than it seems to do our part in dissolving these problems!

Some of the things I am doing:  (check out the links for more info!)
- I am making global buckets and upside down tomato and zucchini planters to make my balcony garden!  I am doing this using free buckets that would otherwise be tossed away.  Yay!!! This means I get to grow my own food and save somethings from the landfill!  These buckets take approximately 5 minutes to make and cost only the soil and either the seeds or the plant :)

- I got a vermicomposter.... I love my worms!  This is the most wonderful way to make an indoor composter!  This will make some nutrient rich compost for my balcony garden.  My worms also reproduce at an amazing rate, so as soon as I have enough, I can share them with other people looking to make a vermicomposter.  Building your own vermicomposter is another great way of using those free buckets!  this is also a low maintenance system :)  The other day I opened it up and I had zucchini sprouts growing in it!  Talk about awesome!

-I have become an active member of Evolver Calgary.  We are building a great community of inspiring people filled with awesome solution based ideas!  This month we are doing an event on Biomimicry including information on Insects, art in Nature, Sacred Geometry, Permaculture and more!  We are even making a geodesic dome! We are doing this to spread info to the residents of Calgary and surrounding areas in an open forum no pressure way.  All are welcome!

These are just a few simple solution based ways to help solve some of the core issues through implementing simple design, sourcing out and utilizing waste product, and sharing knowledge and ideas with others through open and relaxing environments!

Some of the things others are doing:
- Tonight I watched a documentary called living without money.  This inspiring film is about a woman who has lived without money for 11 years.  She is healthy and vibrant and she does not live on the streets.  She shares homes with others, barters, trades, shares labour and even uses food that would other wise be tossed away.  She is amazing and inspiring and shows that money is something we all rely on more than we need too and how living without money allows more freedom, connectedness and overall well being.  Also, that it is much easier to let it all go than it seems!

- Permaculture!  I have just begun to scratch the surface on this amazing practice!  Locally and internationally Permaculture is becoming more and more integrated.  Locally we have 2 known companies offering permaculture education.  Verge and Big Sky.  It amazes me how simply changing some perspectives on how we observe and interpret can change our lives and allow us to find amazing and simple solutions to some of the fundamental flaws in our system!

- My good friend Carrie, (against most peoples advice) has travelled to the middle east.  In order to do this she has left her job to go an adventure of a lifetime.  This alone is inspiring.  What is most inspiring though, are her stories of how we have been so misled about some other cultures.  She is in Cairo now and has experienced first hand how amazing and wonderful the citizens are.  Here in Canada, we are plagued by the media and the stereotypes we are taught from a young age.  We are taught fear and obedience.  Break out from what the media and others may be telling you.  Do your own research and come to your own conclusions!  I am so proud of Carrie for breaking out of the mould and doing what her heart says!  I thank her also for sharing her perspectives to help shed new light on a culture!
Please read below some excerpts from her blog:

"Earlier that day I attended the protest in Tahrir Square which had been planned for a number of days.  I was accompanied by my friend Ayman and was able to learn the purpose of the demonstration.  The protest was large- apparently nothing compared to The Revolution- but tens of thousands of people were there showing outrage for the current situation.  Here are the problems as I understand them:
·    Mumbark has commited a terrible crime against his people including years of corruption and the recent murders of innocent civilians.  The demonstration was filled with pictures of family and friends who were killed in The Revolution, people who were injured and lives forever changed.  Egyptians want justice brought to the ousted president who now hides in Sharm El Sheik.
·    Egyptians want real change to the constitution and sweeping change to the people who are in the government.  The previous referendum was a joke- not for real change only for superficial appeasement.  But the Egyptians are far too intelligent and they have a momentum of patriotism in their favour to create a New Egypt.
·    The protestors are saying if there is no move to meet their requests this week they will hold another demonstration on Friday April 15.  At that point the people will stay and protest until they get what they want.
Listening to the Egyptians and seeing the demonstration first hand I am truly inspired.  Here are real people who want to see great things for their country and all others who are in a similar state of oppression.  Amoungst the huundreds of Egyptian flags are also Palestinian flags and Lybian flags.  The demonstration is peaceful but very energetic.  I am moved by their passion and determination- never before have I experienced anything like it.  What you see on TV and read in the newspaper could never do justice to the real thing...   
As I write this I learn that people were killed and injured during the night.  It is a sad day and the hope I felt yesterday is replaced by fear that the current regime will use violence instead of diplomacy. Many of you are reading this in Canada. I encourage you to join demonstrations and speak up about what is happening in Egypt, Africa and the middle east.  It may seem a world away but the people here are no different than you or I. "
I leave you now feeling uplifted and inspired by just a few simple things we can do to live a better life, heal our earth, create universal oneness and share knowledge with others.  I realize that even the tiniest contributions we make all contribute to global healing and movement!
Please feel free to share some of your solutions on this blog as well!  We can all inspire each other with the seeming simple and small things we each do to make the world a better place.  And remember, just because it is simple doesn't mean it is not effective!
Much Love and gratitude, 

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