Sunday, November 20, 2011


Love, fill my heart and my soul with acceptance of myself and of others, acceptance of each
 moment i encounter and acceptance of each persons journey. Love, resonate within and show  
me how to accept the darkness and the light within myself and within others. Love, teach me
 how to continually grow and give me strength in overcoming challenges. Love, allow for me 
to accept the perfection and imperfection within myself and within others. Love, please heal 
my wounds and the wounds of others, the wounds of the past and the wound of the
 present. Love, help me to forgive my self and forgive others for causing these wounds.
 Love, allow for me to accept the present moment with graciousness and gratitude for the
 lessons you bring , the way you show me beauty and the way you fulfill my soul.

Thank you Love.

Kym Chi

Friday, November 18, 2011

Don't be afraid

Fear is something that has been embedded in all of us since we were wee ones. Whether it is be to be afraid of hurting ourselves, afraid of taking risks all the way to being afraid of authority.

I suggest that we take some time to reflect on our fears and the validity of them.  Are our fears valid??  Emotions can tell us alot about our situations and it is extremely important to recognize them, but also important that we do not allow them to control us.

I bet that in anayzing our fears, we will realize that most of them are not real fears, they are fears that have been pushed upon us from our parents, friends, media, government etc...

An example would be a fear that I was carrying with me for a long time.  I felt so scared to express my authentic self and that I would not be accepted in doing so.  This fear was instilled in me from childhood.  I was taught that I needed to fit into this societal box or would not be accepted.  This was taught to me by my mom who would put me down everytime i tried to express myself, by my teachers who would call me stupid for not learning things the only way they knew how to teach and also from my peers who would make fun of anyone who was "different" from them, and this especially came from the media!

When I came to the realization I was harbouring all of these thoughts of being unaccepted and not being able to express myself, I stopped and asked "is this true, am I really not accepted?  Am I really unable to express myself?"  Almost instantly the answer came.  "absolutely not! I have every strength and every right to express my authentic self.  And when I do that I am supported and valued!  And even if a few people dont support me, that is ok, because when I express myself, I am supported to the depths of my soul and that trumps anyones opinion!"

How empowering it was to recognize that I could release the fear that was essentially holding me back from my own potential! 

Something else came up for me in this recognition.  Some resentment to those who helped instill that fear in me.  As I pondered this feeling, it quickly dissipated and became more of a feeling of empathy.

Those people were only reacting to their fear, to the same fear that they pushed upon me!  So, where did their fear come from? From others as well, I could only assume. 

So, from there I was left digging deeper and deeper to try and figure out when did this instillment of fear begin.  I think this goes way beyond my time, but starts with someone who was thinking with greed and power, rather than with love and unity.

Where does this leave us now?

As I stated earlier, this leaves us at a point where we have to confront our fears. We must challenge them and really question their validity in our lives.  We have to be willing to face the fears in order to get to the place of love and acceptance, of ourselves and of others.

We need to recognize our own strengths and the value our authenticity brings to our community and our world.

This goes to every individual, including individuals in our media and our government.  I urge that not only as individuals do we learn to face our fears, and learn to express ourselves authentically, that we insist the the media and government expresses information in an authentic way.  From a place of love and acceptance instead of a place of fear and greed.  If we start to do this, our world will transform into an amazing place of diversity and expression.

It goes back to the ethic of care of people.  When we act from a place of fear we can only harm ourselves and others.  When we act from a place of love and empowerment, we can only do amazing things!

Please take the time to look deep within yourself.  What are you afraid of?  Inside of you there is only beauty and innocence.  Yes, there is light and there is dark, but it is all pure and everyone has the strength to see it and accept it!  I encourage you to recognize your own strength, your own voice and your own heart! Release the fear of sharing this with others and do what feels right and true in your life.  No one can stop you, not your parents, not your friends and certainly not the media or the government!

Much Love,
Kym Chi

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Solution #4 - Lead by example and share that example with others!

Often people in our society and in politics like to talk about how they want the world to look, but don't make an effort to live that life.

I propose that we be the change we want to see (thanks Ghandi, best quote ever!) and become living examples of how we want our lives to be. This is easier said than done.  In order for us to do this, it will take personal sacrifice, and a lot of will.  A simple example of this would be that I want more gardens in Calgary, so I help to build more.  I preach about loving yourself, and so I do the best to love myself.  I don't like waste, so I compost, reuse and recycle when ever possible.  These may seem like small things, but they do make a difference. Now, what about the big ones?  Like changing our economic system?  At this time I do not see it possible to live completely without money, but I would eventually love to see a moneyless or almost moneyless economy. Although I don't see how I can completely live with out money at this moment, I am taking steps towards this by introducing barters and trades and taking part in gift circles, also finding ways not to spend money by owning less material items or finding items that would other wise be tossed away and using them.  It isn't always easy to make these choices, but I want to see the change.  Although I am far from perfect and I am sure sometimes contribute to the current problems, I am trying damn hard not to.  I know all of you can try too and I know you will all succeed, even if it isn't perfect right away! I can tell you right now, it will not happen over night, but it also wont happen if we just talk about it, or keep the examples tucked away in our little communities.

Something really interesting that has happened at the occupation in Calgary (and I am sure at the other occupations) is that we have been able to create an amazing example of what we want our community to be like.  A community of openness, respect, care, love and acceptance. The next step is just to bring this to the people and show them what our community can really be, what our world can really be!

Please please please, start living the life you want, it may be hard to see how this can be done, but start with the baby steps and work your way up the ladder to your vision.  Then share this with the world around you!  Let people know that even the smallest steps and examples can help us to become a better world through living the life we want to see.  The sacrifices might seem hard sometimes, but once you have made them, it becomes easier and easier as you can see your life become more and more like the one you dream of.

We all want a better world, now go out there and get it!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Solution #3 - Think Globally Act Locally

Most of you have probably heard the phrase "Think Globally, Act Locally", but what does this really mean?  To me it means to be aware of as much as possible that is happening around you in this world, but to do what you can in the area close to you.  This actually starts with yourself!  Firstly, lets try to take better care of ourselves by eating healthy (like out of the garden I mentioned earlier! ), being compassionate with ourselves, exercising (bike riding lowers your global footprint!) and generally living a balanced lifestyle.  When we are feeling good then we have more energy to contribute more to the community.   We don't have the capacity to fix the world by ourselves, but we do have the capacity to make a big difference when we act in our own communities. If we all act in our own communities and cities then together we will have a better world.

In order to make this work not only do we have to learn to better take care of ourselves, we also have to encourage one another and teach each other.  I feel that the city can help too.

The city can encourage better care of oneself through helping to fund or pay for doctoring and medicine that helps prevent and heal illness rather then mask it.  Calgary council can encourage citizens to act more locally by offering tax breaks to citizens that help make the city more sustainable (cyclists, car poolers, homes with edible gardens,  etc..) For example, the city has offered tax breaks for home reno etc... so why not for a sustainable garden?
I think it would also be great if the City promoted more of the positive movements happening in the city. These include sustainable Alberta, Arusha, Permaculture Calgary Guild, Evolver, Zeitgeist, Calgary Food Policy Council and many more. There isn't really any City of Calgary promotion of the many movements toward positive change happening in our city.  The only way you find out about them is by stumbling upon a website, looking very hard or happening to meet the right person at the right time. I believe if more citizens were made aware of these movements, Calgarians would be more active.
*Some good things to note:  The city does offer rain barrels and composters for free a couple times a year when you take a free water workshop. Nenshi is also promoting the 3 things for Calgary- This is a start - Thanks Nenshi!*

Another thing to keep in mind when we say Act Locally, is also about supporting local business.  This can be done individually and by the city.  Individually, shopping locally has a lot of value! It lowers carbon foot print, encourages community, often we get better quality goods, and we really get to support one another.  The city can encourage local business by promoting the businesses, Shopping locally themselves and also offering things like capped rent for owners selling local goods etc...

I am sure there are many more ways that we can really act locally, but the important thing to note is that any amount of local support or positive action is amazing.  The littlest things still do make a contribution.  Please remember that it starts with you.  Although there are many ways the city can help, we have to take responsibility in taking individual action as well!

I challenge you to take at least one positive action everyday (big or small) that leads to making your life better, your communities life better and in turn the world better!

In love and light,
Kym Chi

Friday, October 28, 2011

Solution #2- Integrate Rather than Segregate!

Integrate rather than segregate is actually one of the most valuable permaculture principles.  It speaks to looking at how things can work together as a whole instead of separating everything that is different and grouping everything together that is the same.

We see this alot in our society whether it be in schools with cliques, in agriculture with monoculture, in our communities with cultural differences and in our current class system with upper, middle and lower class.  When we have too many of the same things grouped together in a system it eventually causes for that system to become stagnant as it ends up with too much of one thing and not enough of another.

How can we go about fixing this?

I know that when I was younger I was taught that being different was bad, that thinking outside of the box was silly.  How many other children are being taught this?  Most of us are taught to think within the current system instead of being encouraged to think of ways things could be different.  We perpetuate the cycle of segregation and we constantly fight integration.  The reality is that integration is the natural way.  If you look at a thriving natural system you see that there is a lot of diversity to make that system function.  It operates successfully and abundantly only because of the diversity it offers.  If we took this model into our current system we could also operate more efficiently.  I propose that we spend more time encouraging students in schools to think outside of the box.  This can be done by offering various teaching styles to students, surveying students and asking them for ideas on how we can do things differently and rewarding them for having different ideas instead of making them feel outcasted or silly.  Encourage children to learn from each others differences and understand the value in diversity instead of being fearful of it.  The reason why I focus so much on schooling as our youth are our future and I know much of the thought patterns I have struggled to turn around come from my childhood and youth, we should start there.

Breeding openness to ideas amongst our youth will also open up our next generation to diversity and acceptance.  It will allow for others to really see the value in differences and alternative ideas.  In turn we will have a diverse system with enough of everything to make it function as a whole.

Love and Light,
Kym Chi

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Solution #1 - More Gardens, Less Lawns

Imagine waking up in the morning and walking out your door into your garden and picking fresh berries for breakfast.  Harvesting fresh lettuce and veggies for a salad for lunch.  Coming home after a long day picking fresh herbs on your way in and cooking them with fresh veggies from your own backyard. Sound good?  Would you give up your lawn for this?  I would!

 Lawns use way more energy then they are worth.  People spend time, money and resources taking care of their lawns that they barely use.  If we could encourage people to grow gardens instead of lawns it would solve many problems.  Our resources would be going into food production which would provide healthy produce, connection to the food cycle and if built strategically allow for soil health and regeneration .

As we live in a city where many live in apartments or condos, I propose that the city makes it easier to build community gardens without having to jump through so many hoops.  Every person should have the rights to growing their own food, and I know we have the public land to accomadate this.  Community gardens provide food for the entire community, for those with the means to feed themselves and for those without. They act as example to the collective whole that growing your own food is possible and build strength in this collective as these gardens promote sharing and a way for people to contribute.

I also propose that we teach sustainable gardening as a mandatory subject in schools and we allow and encourage for schools to have gardens that the students can eat from.  Our youth should spend more time learning about food production as food is an integral part of life.

Growing our own food individually and as a community will save the city money as they may use less resources to maintain (if planted sustainably. Ex. no monoculture, water alternatives etc..) and they can help to feed those in need which avoids using tax payers money for food banks etc...  Sharing the knowledge of food production with our youth will give them tools to be more sustainable and therefore may result in less reliance on the system for future generations.

The connection to the earth that gardening and cultivating our own food provides is immeasurable.  When we feel connected to the earth and to our food we will treat it with more respect.  Our intentions will be more pure and we will want to take care of the earth that provides us with so much.

Having the ability to have an abundance of food would relieve the fear of going without.  I believe that when we are not in fear of not having enough we are less likely to overconsume and more likely to give back. We would be less likely to steal or cheat.  We would be more likely to want to help.

So here you have just one example of how to make this world a better place.  Now, lets take action!!!

In light and love,
Kym Chi

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why Am I at Occupy Calgary

I am not for this movement because I am the 99%, or because I am the 1%.  I am in full support of this movement because I am part of the 100 percent. Not just the 100% of Calgary, but 100% of the entire globe.

We have all contributed to our current state in one way or another and we must take responsibility for this individually and as a collective whole.
There is no sense in singling out the 1%, dwelling on past decisions or thinking of what we could have done differently.  We cannot go back and we cannot change the past.
However, WE CAN change the present and in turn our future.  I am not saying this is easy, just that it is possible.  

It might seem overwhelming, taking on a change of the magnitude we are asking and hoping for, but it can happen and I believe it will. It is not going to happen just by talking about the problems, nor is it going to happen if we ignore them and pretend they don’t exist.  The change will happen because we are coming together to acknowledge the issues, share suggestions, support and offer solutions. This is why I am at Occupy Calgary.

Since being at Olympic Plaza on October 15, 2011, we have spent a lot of time speaking out about the concerns we have of our current state and how we want our world to be. This has been eye opening and inspiring, but we haven’t had much opportunity to speak of solutions.  Taking action to better this world is something I am very passionate about, and I hope to share some solutions and possible action plans with those eager for change, as well as reach out to those who might not be aware of our current need for it.

 The answers that I believe I have are all based on the Permaculture ethics system broken down into 3 categories; Care of Earth, Care of People and Return of Surplus.

 I have quite a few suggestions to share, so for interests sake I have decided to write possible solutions  positive change one at a time on my blog.  I hope that you will take the time to comment on these suggestions and also feel free to elaborate on them or make your own suggestions.

The answers do exist and we all have the power to take action on them. It isn’t necessarily easy to do, especially when the solutions mean we may have to drastically change our lifestyles, and our entire consciousness.  I urge you to try. The outcomes will be worthwhile.  I know this because the world I live in is a world of change.
 My world is a world filled with joy, abundance and love. My world is a better place because I connect with the earth, because I love myself and others and because I give back.  My world is not filled with material things, my world is filled with life.  I dont want to live in this world alone.  I want you to be here! We are all an integral part of the solution. Choose to step out of the problem to be a part of the answers by turning off your tv, waking up and embracing community.  Please recognize that change is possible, change is happening and we are change.

Stay tuned for some great solutions and in the meantime go check out whats happening at the Occupy Movement!

In light and love,
Kym Chi

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Love Cob!

I recently returned from a 9 day Cob building Intensive in Port Townsend Washington.  The Intensive was held by Cob Cottage Company out of Coquille, Oregon.
Although, you can never really be sure of anything until you experience it, I was quite positive that I was going to enjoy this course, and wow was I ever surprised.  Not only did I enjoy the course, but I absolutely loved it and could not have predicted how awesome it was actually going to be!
I learned about the existence of Cob about 9 years ago, and was interested in learning the craft as soon as I heard about it.  I kept putting off the workshops because I didn't have any land to build on and wanted to wait until I could build right away.  Finally last winter, i decided I was tired of waiting for the land to come and that I just wanted to go for it!  
This is when I started looking into courses and decided to sign up for this one, along with the PDC.  Both of these courses changed my life, and I cant believe I waited so long!
When I read the course description for the Cob Intensive, it said that I would be able to build my own dwelling once the course was complete.  I was a little skeptical, but thought any amount of learning would be good learning and I can always expand later.
To my great surprise, when the course was done, I did/do feel confident to build my own dwelling!  There isn't anything too much more empowering than that! (aside from permaculture :) )
Aside from the empowerment that comes from being able to build your own dwelling (in a completely sustainable way, and for very little money), the course also came with building amazing community (or Cobmunity - as we called it lol).  
When 20 of us arrived at the course, i expected it would take a couple days for all of us to find our comfort zones and really start to know each other.  Wrong again.  Within about 4 hrs (some within 5 min) we were all a big family.  So much respect, caring and open communication.  It is amazing that when you build something that connects you so deeply with the earth around you, it automatically connects you with the people around you too.
There was a firm understanding that those of us interested in rolling around in mud all day are a bit of a minority, but that we can all support each other in bringing these awesome lifestyles into the world.  When we left the course, i think we all took a little piece of each other with us and we all left feeling empowered to bring our new found skill (s) back into our home communities.
  When I got back home to Calgary, I went through a bit of culture shock... I miss waking up and stomping on Cob first thing in the morning... I miss the composting toilet and outdoor shower... I miss waking up with a giant tree over my head...but most of all I miss my cobmunity!  After a few days of the major shock, i remember that I have a great community here too, that I love oh so dearly!  So back to the Urban Farm it was, back to volunteering with the Permaculture Calgary Guild, BAck to Evolver meetings.Then I realized... WOW what a beautiful life I have.  How blessed I am to be able to be a part of such wonderful communities all over :)  I have family everywhere I go and it is all through living a holistic lifestyle that I am able to have this.  Thank you Universe!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oh Nature.. You make me smile :)

Ok, So my mom got me this great trinket box, made out of an orange!  It is decorated with sealed flowers and leaves.  What an awesome way to use what might be otherwise be wasted.  I looove it!  Now this inspired me to make a 3d Mandala on Papyrus that is made with Moss, Calendula, Safflower and crystals :)  It is called the Mirror effect, it is meant to cause reflection on the understanding of "As above, So below".

Much Love!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What we can do!!!

Many of us become frustrated with all of the problems that we have, rather than finding positive solutions.  I know that in the past I have been guilty of this.  Lately, I have found myself (not by accident) surrounded by individuals focusing on solutions rather than problems.  What this has done for me, is inspired me in ways I could not imagine.  I realized that all of this focus into the problems has been disempowering me.  Changing my perspective to focusing on solutions has done the opposite.  It has allowed for me to feel empowered and realize that there are solutions to the fundamental issues that surround us and it is easier than it seems to do our part in dissolving these problems!

Some of the things I am doing:  (check out the links for more info!)
- I am making global buckets and upside down tomato and zucchini planters to make my balcony garden!  I am doing this using free buckets that would otherwise be tossed away.  Yay!!! This means I get to grow my own food and save somethings from the landfill!  These buckets take approximately 5 minutes to make and cost only the soil and either the seeds or the plant :)

- I got a vermicomposter.... I love my worms!  This is the most wonderful way to make an indoor composter!  This will make some nutrient rich compost for my balcony garden.  My worms also reproduce at an amazing rate, so as soon as I have enough, I can share them with other people looking to make a vermicomposter.  Building your own vermicomposter is another great way of using those free buckets!  this is also a low maintenance system :)  The other day I opened it up and I had zucchini sprouts growing in it!  Talk about awesome!

-I have become an active member of Evolver Calgary.  We are building a great community of inspiring people filled with awesome solution based ideas!  This month we are doing an event on Biomimicry including information on Insects, art in Nature, Sacred Geometry, Permaculture and more!  We are even making a geodesic dome! We are doing this to spread info to the residents of Calgary and surrounding areas in an open forum no pressure way.  All are welcome!

These are just a few simple solution based ways to help solve some of the core issues through implementing simple design, sourcing out and utilizing waste product, and sharing knowledge and ideas with others through open and relaxing environments!

Some of the things others are doing:
- Tonight I watched a documentary called living without money.  This inspiring film is about a woman who has lived without money for 11 years.  She is healthy and vibrant and she does not live on the streets.  She shares homes with others, barters, trades, shares labour and even uses food that would other wise be tossed away.  She is amazing and inspiring and shows that money is something we all rely on more than we need too and how living without money allows more freedom, connectedness and overall well being.  Also, that it is much easier to let it all go than it seems!

- Permaculture!  I have just begun to scratch the surface on this amazing practice!  Locally and internationally Permaculture is becoming more and more integrated.  Locally we have 2 known companies offering permaculture education.  Verge and Big Sky.  It amazes me how simply changing some perspectives on how we observe and interpret can change our lives and allow us to find amazing and simple solutions to some of the fundamental flaws in our system!

- My good friend Carrie, (against most peoples advice) has travelled to the middle east.  In order to do this she has left her job to go an adventure of a lifetime.  This alone is inspiring.  What is most inspiring though, are her stories of how we have been so misled about some other cultures.  She is in Cairo now and has experienced first hand how amazing and wonderful the citizens are.  Here in Canada, we are plagued by the media and the stereotypes we are taught from a young age.  We are taught fear and obedience.  Break out from what the media and others may be telling you.  Do your own research and come to your own conclusions!  I am so proud of Carrie for breaking out of the mould and doing what her heart says!  I thank her also for sharing her perspectives to help shed new light on a culture!
Please read below some excerpts from her blog:

"Earlier that day I attended the protest in Tahrir Square which had been planned for a number of days.  I was accompanied by my friend Ayman and was able to learn the purpose of the demonstration.  The protest was large- apparently nothing compared to The Revolution- but tens of thousands of people were there showing outrage for the current situation.  Here are the problems as I understand them:
·    Mumbark has commited a terrible crime against his people including years of corruption and the recent murders of innocent civilians.  The demonstration was filled with pictures of family and friends who were killed in The Revolution, people who were injured and lives forever changed.  Egyptians want justice brought to the ousted president who now hides in Sharm El Sheik.
·    Egyptians want real change to the constitution and sweeping change to the people who are in the government.  The previous referendum was a joke- not for real change only for superficial appeasement.  But the Egyptians are far too intelligent and they have a momentum of patriotism in their favour to create a New Egypt.
·    The protestors are saying if there is no move to meet their requests this week they will hold another demonstration on Friday April 15.  At that point the people will stay and protest until they get what they want.
Listening to the Egyptians and seeing the demonstration first hand I am truly inspired.  Here are real people who want to see great things for their country and all others who are in a similar state of oppression.  Amoungst the huundreds of Egyptian flags are also Palestinian flags and Lybian flags.  The demonstration is peaceful but very energetic.  I am moved by their passion and determination- never before have I experienced anything like it.  What you see on TV and read in the newspaper could never do justice to the real thing...   
As I write this I learn that people were killed and injured during the night.  It is a sad day and the hope I felt yesterday is replaced by fear that the current regime will use violence instead of diplomacy. Many of you are reading this in Canada. I encourage you to join demonstrations and speak up about what is happening in Egypt, Africa and the middle east.  It may seem a world away but the people here are no different than you or I. "
I leave you now feeling uplifted and inspired by just a few simple things we can do to live a better life, heal our earth, create universal oneness and share knowledge with others.  I realize that even the tiniest contributions we make all contribute to global healing and movement!
Please feel free to share some of your solutions on this blog as well!  We can all inspire each other with the seeming simple and small things we each do to make the world a better place.  And remember, just because it is simple doesn't mean it is not effective!
Much Love and gratitude, 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome to my new blog!

Hello Readers and Friends :)

Welcome to my new blog. I have been thinking lately of all of the wonderful people, places and things that inspire me in my day to day life and thought I would create a blog to express all of these! This blog will act as a place for me to journal all of my inspirations, post photos and art, but also as something that may inspire others too!

I figure I get a lot of inspirations from the things that other people are excited about, this may do the same for you. At the very least you might get to read an entertaining story or see a cool picture :)
Feel free to comment on my posts and share some of the things that inspire you as well!

Much Love!
Kym Chi