Sunday, October 30, 2011

Solution #3 - Think Globally Act Locally

Most of you have probably heard the phrase "Think Globally, Act Locally", but what does this really mean?  To me it means to be aware of as much as possible that is happening around you in this world, but to do what you can in the area close to you.  This actually starts with yourself!  Firstly, lets try to take better care of ourselves by eating healthy (like out of the garden I mentioned earlier! ), being compassionate with ourselves, exercising (bike riding lowers your global footprint!) and generally living a balanced lifestyle.  When we are feeling good then we have more energy to contribute more to the community.   We don't have the capacity to fix the world by ourselves, but we do have the capacity to make a big difference when we act in our own communities. If we all act in our own communities and cities then together we will have a better world.

In order to make this work not only do we have to learn to better take care of ourselves, we also have to encourage one another and teach each other.  I feel that the city can help too.

The city can encourage better care of oneself through helping to fund or pay for doctoring and medicine that helps prevent and heal illness rather then mask it.  Calgary council can encourage citizens to act more locally by offering tax breaks to citizens that help make the city more sustainable (cyclists, car poolers, homes with edible gardens,  etc..) For example, the city has offered tax breaks for home reno etc... so why not for a sustainable garden?
I think it would also be great if the City promoted more of the positive movements happening in the city. These include sustainable Alberta, Arusha, Permaculture Calgary Guild, Evolver, Zeitgeist, Calgary Food Policy Council and many more. There isn't really any City of Calgary promotion of the many movements toward positive change happening in our city.  The only way you find out about them is by stumbling upon a website, looking very hard or happening to meet the right person at the right time. I believe if more citizens were made aware of these movements, Calgarians would be more active.
*Some good things to note:  The city does offer rain barrels and composters for free a couple times a year when you take a free water workshop. Nenshi is also promoting the 3 things for Calgary- This is a start - Thanks Nenshi!*

Another thing to keep in mind when we say Act Locally, is also about supporting local business.  This can be done individually and by the city.  Individually, shopping locally has a lot of value! It lowers carbon foot print, encourages community, often we get better quality goods, and we really get to support one another.  The city can encourage local business by promoting the businesses, Shopping locally themselves and also offering things like capped rent for owners selling local goods etc...

I am sure there are many more ways that we can really act locally, but the important thing to note is that any amount of local support or positive action is amazing.  The littlest things still do make a contribution.  Please remember that it starts with you.  Although there are many ways the city can help, we have to take responsibility in taking individual action as well!

I challenge you to take at least one positive action everyday (big or small) that leads to making your life better, your communities life better and in turn the world better!

In love and light,
Kym Chi


  1. P.S.

    Please post your ideas of how you take individual action to better your life and the community. This may inspire others on how they can take action in their life!

  2. Some of the actions I take are being involved with planning Evolver Calgary events, Volunteering with the Calgary Permaculture Guild, buying locally whenever possible, vermicomposting, meditating, focusing on self love, being at occupy calgary, and encouraging others to do stuff! I hope this helps!
