Saturday, May 12, 2012

Visionary Permaculture Day 3 and 4. :)

I have so much to say about yesterday and yet so little that can actually be communicated in words.

We spent most of our morning talking about connections and starting the "zoning" process.  It was amazing to engage with all of these beautiful and creative entities to work through building the connections and placing elements in the zones that make the most sense.  The funnest part is that there really is no right or wrong way that elements in a system connect.  It is organic in nature and really reflects our needs and yields at any given time.  There is a grand goal of working to build a system that functions most efficiently based on stacking functions and placing items in the areas where they are most effective. This is done for not only the needs and yields of new elements, but also of existing elements in the present and in the future.

Our class is so inspiring and the mornings activities built a new appreciation of the gifts and talents that we each can offer to the collective whole.  It also sparks consciousness of opportunities to help someone who can benefit from your outputs. There are infinite possibilities for beneficial relationships in every system.

In the afternoon we finished zones and then spent a charged couple of hours interacting with the Grey's in their beautiful studio.  It was great to hear their account of the connection with the land and to get a deeper understanding of how COSM arrived in this sacred space.  Hearing from them really helps to anchor our work here and understand the intentions to a cosmic level.

We finished our classtime with a walk along the wisdom trail... There are so many levels of consciousness and wisdom on this land and I am soooo stoked to delve in to it and learn from the nature spirits here.

Dinner was delicious as always, again I am so grateful for the gift the volunteers here offer in providing us with the nourishment we need to continue our intensive journey here.

In the later evening we were gifted an amazing opportunity to interact with the Grey's on an intimate level in there studio for a Wisdom talk.  The theme of the discussion was prayer and faith.  It is really hard to put into words just what happened in that room, except that is was beautiful and it was in this moment we all really truly became a full on community.  I also really felt connected into my path of self love and the recognition that I will continue working hard on this.

It was an amazing information packed, emotion packed high vibration day.

Today, day 4! It was super beautiful today, clear skies were shining on us!  We spent almost the whole day outside and really got focused in and talked sectors and patterns.  I think we all felt super charged from yesterday so we were really able to get things done today.  Lunch time was spent at the compost blitzing out the path around it with a quick sheet mulch.  Some biodynamic plants were put there recently, but the invasives are trying to take over, so some cardboard and leaf mulch should hopefully help.  We will find out in September! It felt great to do a bit of labour, sometimes this is when I feel most connected to the earth.

The afternoon went by super fast, but at the same time it was almost like time stood still.  We finished our day with 2 very special gifts.  The first together in the nest sharing our thoughts about the course and our intentions for the next few months and secondly spending another super deep time with the Grey's where we really got some more concrete perspective on their visions for the land.  It was super special and a great way to end the beginning of our journey at COSM.

I will get on a plane early tomorrow morning and head back to Calgary.  I have said a prayer asking that I take the amazing lessons learned and wisdom integrated back home and share it with intention and love. I will not soon forget the brilliant experience of COSM and am super excited to continue contributing to the blessed land.

Please take some time to check out and if you feel called to contribute or visit, do not hesitate to make the journey!

In epic gratitude and visionary love,

Kym Chi

                                Our spiral of connecting elements, everything works together!

                                           Our super rad zone project, pretty sweet design!

                                                       Awesome design by zones part 2!


                                                              The Wisdom Trail to.....

                                                                The Cistern! Beauty!

          Another divider in my notebook with another important principle... Design from Nature!

                                  Delvin, giving the Permaculture sermon from the Pulpit! lol

                                                Part 2... lol Prrrraise Permaculture!!!  Lol

                               Yay, spiral heart plant, anyone remember this from day 2???

                                                                        Sector chat


                                                                Compost awesomeness.

                                                  Pattern Mandala in the labyrinth :)

                                                        Group works mandala spiral

               A nice view of the area surrounding the guest house.  Lots of opportunity here :)

The final chat and rad interaction on the land with the Greys :)  The beautiful end to the beginning of a journey!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Visionary Permaculture- Day Two

Another amazing day on the COSM land integrating alot of information. We focused on the Permaculture Ethics and Principles.  We were also blessed to spend 3 hrs on the land with a native plant expert building relationships with only a few of the hundreds of amazing plants on site.

  We began the day in the library where we spoke on the ethics and talked about some of the principles.  For your reference, the 3 main ethics of Permaculture are: Care of Earth, Care of People, Return of Surplus (Always give back).  One of my favourite parts was the learning of a new Ethic that Delvin and crew in Vancouver came up with.  I found the 4th ethic to be really valuable and relevant to our time.  It is: Transitional Ethic (I am calling it Integration Ethic).  This ethic is all about our transition and building compassion in realizing we can't all change overnight.  We need time to integrate new ideas, techniques and visions into our lives and during this time it is ok if we falter a little bit or continue to use some unsustainable means while we are learning, changing and growing. Dropping fear of judgement (self or otherwise) and showing compassion for ourselves and others during this crucial time is super important and will allow for a larger network of beings to integrate Permaculture and other conscious change into their lives in a more meaningful and deep level.  Understanding that we can do things in baby steps is much less intimidating then the big leaps for most of us.  Another thing to remember is that change starts with us, the individual.  The change happens at a pace that works for the individual. Do what feels right in your life and follow the Permaculture ethics the best that you can and you will become inspiring living examples of what it means to be the change you want to see.

After reviewing the ethics and some of the principles we finished the morning outside with more principles.   I really enjoy Delvin's teaching style.  It is very creative, interactive and full of intention and permeation.  He uses alot of hands on methods and gets the class to move around alot which I find keeps me alert and ready to learn and also summarizes beautifully.  For those who are interested, Delvin and a crew of other Permies created these great open sources of learning tools which can be found at  Please check it out if you feel inclined!

This afternoon we were super lucky to hang out with Dina who really taught us how to start a journey of getting to know the plants here at COSM but also in our own Bio Regions.  The observation techniques she used were super logical and practical, yet also intuitive and integrative.  We would spend about 10 min on each plant really getting to know it from all of the senses.  This tour today is the beginning of our mapping process.  It will be very helpful for us to know the existing plants before we start to implement a design or start any type of implementation. We barely scratched the surface of this 40 acre land, but the wisdom shared with us today empowers us to continue to spend time in the space getting to know more and more as we move forward.

Not only did we spend the day learning from Delvin and Dina, but we also spent the day learning from each other and learning from this amazing land.  I feel such deep gratitude to be here and to share this experience with such charged beings that have such a strong presence and purpose. This experience along with all Permaculture experiences is super special and filled with intention and most of all Vision. I am super excited and humbled to contribute to this space and to the world through the art of Permaculture.

Love and giggles,
Kym Chi

Below are some of the amazing plants we identified. I am going to try and add the latin names, i apologize if they are not spelt correctly. ;) Keep in mind these are plants in this bio region and may not be found in your area :) Dina also explained the importance of naming the plant family, unfortunately I didn't get them down, but I will add them as I do more research.
This is a ground cover called Plantain, the latin name is Plantago Major.  It is a soil rejuvenator and great for inflammation.  It has astringent properties. Also great for bites! It tastes great in salads or fresh from the ground in early growing stages.  May become bitter with age.

 This awesome species is called Calming Blue Violet and its latin name is Viola Papilonacae. It is found in shady areas and on edges.  It smells salady and secretes a sticky gel like substance. It is great for burns, sore throat, cough and is extremely high in Vitamin C. it is also great for inflammation.  This plant flowers for only 2 weeks and when it does, eat the tasty flowers in salads. You can eat the leaves about 6 months out of the year (in the NY bioregion).
This is not the best photo, but this is actually a type of aromatic mint called Ground Ivy. Its Latin name is Glechoma Hederacea. This plant has tiny purple flowers that are long narrow and somewhat square shaped.  The stem is also square shaped. They have a small fuzzy scalloped leaf. It is aromatic, and tastes a bit like lavender and minty. This plant makes a great garnish and is good for congestion, calming and lead removal.  It has diuretic properties.

This is just a nice photo of the group checking out the Ground Ivy :)

 This plant is from the Brassica family and is called Garlic Mustard.  Its latin Name is Alliaria Petiolata. It has a strong garlicky taste, some like it and some don't.  Is good for digestion and is aparient (somewhat laxative).
 This pretty plant is called Dames Rocket and its latin name is: Hesperes Matronalis.  This plant grows on edges and the flowers are edible as well as the leaves when they are young.
 This is the Mustard Garlic in it's second year.  Might be even more strong tasting now.  You may want to eat it in its earlier stages ;)
 I really like the leaves on this one! It is called Great Celandime and its latin name is Cheledonium Majus.  This special plant releases a yellow dye from its veins when squeezed and has an acrid taste.  You only want to use this in small quantities and typically for external use. It is good for the Gall Bladder and for wort removal.
 This is called Jewel Weed.  Latin Name is Impatiens Capensis.  This is great as a Poison Ivy Antidote and Dillon one of my classmates showed me that the leaves turn shiny silver when under water. Very cool!
 This one is Poison Ivy... Quick Run! Just kidding, just be careful and use some of the Jewel Weed to protect yourself!
The above is Broad leaf Bitter Dock.  Its latin name is Rumex Obtusifolius.  This leaf can be a bitter when picked close to the root, but some of the leaves taste good and even sort of sweet. The inside of the stalk is also edible and quite tasty similar to Rhubarb. It is helpful for liver, lymphatic system, clearing skin. It has tonic and laxative properties.
 This is Dina showing is how tall Poke root can grow.  It is great to see if you can find last years fall when you are identifying plants :)
 Here is the poke root in its baby stages.  Its latin name is Phytolacca Americana.  The leaves are edible when young, but in general this plant is regarded as toxic and is a purgative. The root however can be used in very small doses for stimulating a stagnant or non responsive lymphatic system.  it is recommended to harvest the root after 3 frosts.
This is wine berry. YUM! Its latin name is Rubus Phoenicolacius.  This plant is from the raspberry family.  We are unsure of its medicinal properties, but it is edible!  I will update you as I do more research.

This is called Japanese Knotweed from the Buckwheat family. Its latin name is Reynoutria Japonica. Its root is antioxidant and helps with Lime.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Visionary Permaculture - Day One

Morning :)

 WOW!! We started class this morning in the Altered States Chapel in the middle of a meadow, where we smudged and grounded and then came back in to the library where we sat and shared.

 So far it has all been introductions and really honing in on who we will be spending this course with. Everyones personal stories and how they got here along with their intentions are inspiring and exciting! With some knowledge of Permaculture under my belt, I can see just how perfect it is that each person is here to take part in the learning circle that is taking place.

 Along with meeting these super inspirational and beautiful beings, i am being overwhelmed with mass creativity and love. There are beautiful paintings and sculptures everywhere... (photos to come) and just amazing energy and presence here. I don’t believe that one element was placed without intention and thought. Sitting in the library where we are engaging in part of the class, all I could feel was love. When I look at the work of Alex, Allyson and other artists in the space I can see and feel the loving intention that has gone into its creation. I feel at home and at peace here.

 The staff here are also inspiring. I haven’t had a chance to meet many yet, but the ones I have met are super friendly and open, extremely welcoming. Those I haven’t met, I already love and have immense gratitude for. We were told of the many people who volunteer here to see this place thrive and grow, including the kitchen staff who prepare our lunch and dinner. I am learning that it just feels good to give, and when we give from our hearts to contribute to what we feel passion for, we are constantly receiving. I feel this way back in Calgary with various projects I believe in and see it in others leading by example in their own lives as well, constantly sharing and just being who they are, visioning a better, more beautiful future.

Super blissed and blessed!

 Well this afternoon was still about integration and grounding in each others journeys to the Permaculture Path and then we walked to the beautiful labyrinth and listened to Delvin (our teacher) speak a little about what this course will hold. Finishing on the deck overlooking the COSM land, I am overwhelmed with a sense of belonging here.

Since after lunch I have felt strong energy surrounding my heart and my third eye, and being out on the land I can feel how strongly activated this space is. I feel so blessed that this is only day one of 4 and part one of a four part series as this place is so deeply integrated with wisdom and teaching. Not only am I going to learn a tremendous amount from this course, I will learn a tremendous amount from this place and this sacred land. I write this as I wind down from the day and feel more alert and alive then ever.

 Below are a couple photos so you can see some of the awesome things I am surrounded by.

 Love and giggles!!!

                                                Inspiring one of kind work by Alex Grey!
                                                 The above is one of our classrooms!
                                                        Where I sit as I write this blog!
          The cover page for this course in my binder... 2 important Permaculture Principles!
                                      The Altered States chapel I spoke of earlier in the day.

 Kym Chi


Ok, so it has been a while since I have updated my blog and I really want to get better at this!  Life has been awesomely insane and I just haven't made the time to keep up with writing all about it.  It is funny that I created this blog to write about what inspires me and during the time I have been most inspired, I have not been documenting it!

Well here it is, time to write! Time to be more dedicated to this blog.  I recognize that not only is it awesome to share with others and get people excited, but it is also a great way for me to remember all of the awesome things that happen and all of the inspiring interactions I share with others!

I have been up to alot over the last year and particularly over the last few months coming into 2012, so I wont spend too much time worrying about the details in this blog post, but will be detailed going forward so hopefully this is something you can refer to if needed.

I thought what I could do here, is give a brief overview on some of the things I have been doing and then just lead into some more detailed posts.

Here it goes:

I have been loving the involvement in Evolver Calgary and watching the intentional Community grow!! Most recently I spearheaded the planning of an event called Electronic Awakening and it was an amazing event filled with beautiful beings, amazing music and art and most importantly, LOVE!  It was really an eye opening experience of our amazing community and the wonderful beings in my life!!
Upcoming we have some amazing events and each of the sporeganizers will be taking turns spearheading.  In May we have Psychedelic Renaissance, Family Oasis and our convergence and then in June we have Food for Thought.  We will also have a booth at Inshala! YAY!! check for updates!

I became involved with the AREA accidentally on purpose. lol.  I was so stoked after finishing my Permaculture Design Certificate with Verge Permaculture last May, and I synchronistically met Dave and Kathryn the owners.  I loved their project which is all about which is Arts, Recreation, Education, and Agriculture.  These are all things I know and love so I offered to do their Permie Design.  It went something like this " I just finished my PDC and I want to learn more.  I have no experience, but would you be open to me doing your design and helping implement it?"  I thought I was totally off base and had no chance, but to my surprise they said YES!  This has led to the design of the back space, implementation of a mandala garden (with lots of volunteer help) and now to me living in my van which parks on the lot and being the garden coordinator. We are also integrating and evolving the design further, starting a weekly community market and offering awesome facilitated work studies! Please stay tuned for more as we progress!

Van Living:
As indicated above, I am living in my van.  This started in March and so far I really love it.  I am learning alot, and really recognizing a deeper connection with myself, my needs and the world around me.  Photos and details to come on later blogs!

Interning with Verge Permaculture:
I am blessed to have received a spot as a Verge Permaculture Intern for the 2012 season.  So far we have shared 3 sessions and it has already been a sweet learning experience, from seedlings and soil blocks to pulling out deep seeded clover (oops!) to shadowing design consults  the experience is everything i imagined it would be and more! Looking forward to the rest of the season and what it holds.

Visionary Permaculture:
WOW!!! This is where I am now, please see the blog following this one for the first details!  I will be spending a few days each season for part of 2012 and 2013 at the sacred COSM land in New York.  COSM stands for the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors and is where Alex and Allyson Grey house their art.  It is a beautiful peice of land where workshops, full moon gatherings and consciousness events take place regularly.  The course itself is a Permaculture Design Course which integrates visionary themes.  Our design project includes a design for a space from home, but also as a group, we will Map COSM, which is deeply meaningful for me to be a part of!  COSM is a very special place and what is happening here is amazing! I ll leave it to the rest of the blogs to explain.

Also keep your eyes peeled for updates on my involvement in spreading permaculture seeds through music festivals and more!

Kym Chi